Creating Confident Minds

Welcome To Vision Child Behaviour And Counselling Clinic!

We have a core team of consulting psychologists, educational psychologists, and clinical psychologists that provide meaningful and much needed consulting and guidance

Take a leap with us…

We offer free counselling sessions every Saturday and Sunday from 08:00 am to 12:00 PM with our core team of psychologists

Give perspective

We enable parents and children to understand and acknowledge different perspectives.

Enable strength

Every child is special and has strengths and weaknesses, we enable children to tap into their potential.

Clear Vision

A vision is what keeps all of us motivated and going. Giving children a glimpse of it help them immensely.

Discover our services

speech & language therapy

Speech Therapy

The main aim of speech & language therapy is to identify and solve the difficulties of the child in the area of speech, language and communication. We works on child’s sound production difficulty, speech delay, difficulty in articulation, social communication delay etc.

Occupational therapy

Occupational Therapy

The goal of occupational therapy is to fulfil all the sensory needs, cove all the gaps of development in the area of ADL, fine & gross motor skills, sensory integration, visual perception and body strengthening.

special education

Speech Therapy

Our special educator team assess and recognises a child’s current needs and their milestones. After the child’s assessment our team design a comprehensive program and execute in consultation with parents.

Applied behaviour analysis

Behaviour therapy

Applied behavioural analysis (ABA) is one of the common techniques used in behaviour modification. But we are not just modify the behaviour of child through the ABA we also enhance the child’s speech &language and the cognitive skills.

Early intervention program

Early Child Care

The early years of child’s life are very important for the holistic development. We help children in their early years milestone and develop their physical, social, language and cognitive development.

explore more services…

We offer wide range of counselling and Psychotherapy services. Know more…

Take the first step with us

  • Decades of experience in counselling and education
  • A team of seasoned professionals
  • Holistic approach with focus on long term goals

Contact us for your first consultation

We offer the best and affordable services. As we are part of Vision Public Charitable Trust, we offer a wide range of services in the field of education, counselling and well-being for every child and especially from underprivileged section.

What parents or children are saying…

5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
Best psychologists in vadodara. They genuinely want to help us.
Chaitanyasinh Solanki
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
It’s affordable and good counselling for children and helps a lot…

5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
Nice counselling sessions. Must visit for teenagers who need help.
Rudra Sharma
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
Best place for guidance and counselling. We got the fair result in 1st session only…